COVID Safety

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of our children and staff our COVID safety measures are directly in line with the NSW health protocol.

The Public Health Order remains in force and to currently carry out work at an early childhood education care service, all educators and staff must have received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccination. Educators are encouraged to seek out booster shots when they are eligible.

Mask wearing in indoor ECE settings is required and appropriate outdoor programs are encouraged to support distancing while considering sun safe practices.

To keep students and staff safe and to reduce direct contact we have modified shifts and rosters, or pick up and drop off times to reduce peak periods. Our staff have also been asked to collect children from outside the service.

Testing and isolation are no longer mandatory for those exposed to a positive case in ECE settings, however testing and isolation recommendations should be considered.

Anyone child or staff member who has even the mildest of symptoms including fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose etc should immediately be tested and isolate until they get a negative result and then when they are free of symptoms can return to the centre.

We encourage and practice good hygiene and our centres are thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day.


Parent/Guardian Name
Child's Name
Parent/Guardian Name
Child's Name