About us


When you walk into a Growth Mindset Early Learning Centre you will immediately see what makes us unique.

Our educational resources have been carefully selected to align with the growth mindset philosophy. A child’s ability and intelligence is not fixed, and so the resources we use to educate our children should not be either. Our resources encourage children to use their imagination and creativity. When the rules and limitations are taken away, so is the pressure to produce a finished product or outcome. Continue reading



Developing the right mindset early on is vital for a successful and fulfilling life. 

It is all too common in our competitive age to praise results and outcomes. Children from early on learn that results and intelligence define us. How many students go through school believing that their HSC result reflects not only their intelligence but how successful they will be? This is a perfect example of a fixed mindset. Continue reading


Parent/Guardian Name
Child's Name
Parent/Guardian Name
Child's Name